Current Rates
Water, Sewer, Street Sweeping Charges and Exceptions
Water Rates
Water charges consist of two components: base rate and consumption.
Basic Monthly Charge (Flat Rate Every Month): Meter Size (inches in Diameter) and Corresponding Rate
- 0.75 = $46.76
- 1.00 = $48.38
- 1.50 = $50.56
- 2.00 = $56.52
- 3.00 = $100.45
- 4.00 = $116.73
Water charge based on usage:
1 unit of water = 748 gallons
Residential Rate per Unit of Water:
- Tier 1-1 to 9 units= $2.57
- Tier 2-10- 19 to units= $2.86
- Tier 3-20 and over= $4.28
Sewer Rates
Basic Monthly Charge: $80.87
Basic Monthly Charge: $80.87 + $5.92 per unit of water
(winter water use average from December to February)
Commercial Sewer Use Charges
Based on monthly average volume of water used during the months starting the last week of November, December, January and February.
Exceptions for Sewer Charges
If you have a water leak during the winter averaging months and need an adjustment to be performed, the leak must be corrected and proof of repair submitted to the District no later than April 1st of the current year.
Street Sweeping Rates
All Residential, Commercial, Schools and Churches will be charged $1.32 per month for Street Sweeping services provided.
Street Sweeping Schedule:
- Mesa Oaks | 1st Monday of the month
- Mission Hills | 3rd Monday of the month
Service Fees
- Non-emergency After Hours Call Out Fee: $75.00 minimum
- Data Log Research Fee: $25.00
Additional Fees
Reminders are mailed on unpaid balances. Additional fees may include:
- Late Fee: 10% of past due bill, applied on the first of every month that the balance is outstanding
- Reconnect Fee: $50.00 during business hours/ $150.00 after hours
- Lock Off Notice Fee: $15.00
- NSF Check Fee: $25.00
Bills are mailed the first week of the month.
Charges are based on the previous month.
The bill is due approximately the 20th of each month.
Note: Please call us to assist with any leaks so you are not charged for broken valves, etc.