California's Current Water Source and Supply vs. Mission Hills Community Services District

California’s limited water supply comes from two main sources: surface water, or water that travels or gathers on the ground, like rivers, streams, and lakes; and groundwater, which is water that is pumped out from the ground.
With Californians struggling with another year of drought conditions the Governor took action and declared a drought emergency on January 17, 2014. In this emergency individual communities were asked to reduce water by 20%.
To abide by this emergency declaration, the Mission Hills CSD Board of Directors adopted Resolution 14 -226, ADOPTING MANDATORY WATER CONSERVATION MEASURES on October 15, 2014.
Specifically, the Resolution prohibits the following:
- applying potable water to outdoor landscapes in a manner that causes runoff;
- use of hose that dispenses water to wash a motor vehicle, except where the hose is fitted with a shut-off nozzle;
- application of potable water to driveways and sidewalks; and
- use of potable water in a fountain or decorative feature, except where the is part of water in a fountain or decorative feature, except where the is part of a recirculating system.
In addition, the proposed Resolution limits outdoor irrigation with potable water to Monday and Thursday.
Districts Water Supply The Districts Water Supply
The District sits on top of the Lompoc Uplands Groundwater Basin, which is a different basin than the City of Lompoc. All three our production water wells pump water from this aquifer. Based upon numerous studies and reports completed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) the best estimate of our existing water supply is 400,000 acre feet or approximately 131,340,000,000 gallons of water.
For more information, contact:
The Office of Water Conservation
Department of Water Resources
P.O. Box 942836
Sacramento CA 94236-0001
Mission Hills Community Services District